2018 is yours

This new year I want to change some stuff. Last year I was dependent on a lot of people to get me through the year, but this time I want to be able to be independent. I want to be able to have myself to fall back on because nobody knows me as well as I do. I also want to construct more meaningful relationships with my really close friends (the limited few ,ha). Those are the ones to cherish, and I want this year to be a good one.

Last year a lot of events happened in the our local community. I volunteered at some food and school supplies drives and really realized how important it is for everyone to help one another. Personally, seeing the smiles on peoples faces is enough to make me want to come back again. So, this year I also want to volunteer more often.

One thing I learned from the previous year is that you don’t need people to tell you who you are and what you will be. You determine that yourself and you need to prove those fools wrong. Keep your head up fighter because this year is yours to rule.

peace out,


2 Replies to “2018 is yours”

  1. I love this !

  2. Thanks Genny

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